Fay is a Contemporary Digital Artist, with a background in traditional fine art. Fay has wanted to paint since she was a small child. Her parents always enrolled her in art classes at the local “Y”; while her friends studied music, Fay studied art. Art was her music; she says that she could hear the colors singing on her canvas. Painting was her outlet, her quiet time and her time to be creative.

In the 1990s Fay moved into the Graphic Design industry. She attended the Pratt School of Professional Studies in New York City, where she became certified in Graphic and Web Design. She also attended Rockhurst College CE in New York City, for her certification in printing and pre-press.

She worked as a freelance graphic artist as well as a Graphic Design Instructor. She designed book covers and the total design of the books for a children’s publishing company. She did it all, she even held the title of Art Director, but what she loved most was portrait painting! That’s why she turned a part time hobby into full time career!

Fay has studied portraiture from a very young age. "My passion was always painting portraits to create heirlooms".

"I always try to find out some details about the subject that I’m going to paint. I like to know their name, color of their eyes, and some outstanding personality trait. It helps me when I paint. I can feel a strong connection to my subjects. They almost seem to come alive in my studio. Most of the time that I spend on the portrait, is concentrated on the painting of the eyes. The eyes always hold a story. They are the windows to the soul within ".

Fays primary focus is to capture the character and vitality of her subjects. Fine portrait painting is more than a likeness. it is the story of an individual and the persons great uniqueness. To capture likeness is an incredible feat, but to capture personality is pure magic!

Her commissioned portraits and her paintings are held in private collections internationally.

Let Fay paint a Portrait for you of a magical moment.... that will be cherished for a lifetime....